Save on your taxes

Save on your taxes

EROAD’s Fuel Tax Credit and Fringe Benefit Tax modules deliver significant savings.

Maximise Fuel Tax Credits and reduce Fringe Benefit Tax costs

Cuts admin time and paperwork to manage tax filings
EROAD_IconLibrary_2019_IFTA Electronic Tax Mgmt-159
Enter fuel fills on box or upload
EROAD_IconLibrary_2019_tax calculator
High definition tracking captures off-road travel so you can claim back the higher off-road rate

Fringe Benefit Tax

Get on top of your Fringe Benefit Tax obligations quickly and easily with EROAD’s FBT Logbook.

Available to customers on the MyEROAD plaform only.


Support for calculation of FBT using the operating cost method with EROAD’s Electronic FBT Logbook provides an easy to use solution that helps ensure you’re not paying too much FBT by your business
Largely automated record keeping stored for the requisite period
Reports that highlight when a driver hasn’t completed the logbook, to improve compliance
Headline metrics to help fleet and operations managers select a representative 12-week period to accurately show the business usage of the vehicles in your fleet and monitor business vs private usage

Fuel Tax Credit

Accurately collect and automate the process to maximise Fuel Tax Credit claims.

Available to customers on the MyEROAD platform only.


Automation and capture of accurate data for your FTC claim
Significant admin time saved
Avoid inaccuracies of spreadsheet-based Fuel Tax Credit reporting
Claiming up to 2.5 times the standard on-road Fuel Tax Credit rates for off-road usage
Ability to easily claim off-road FTC for heavy and light vehicles
Creation of geofences for work sites near or close to public roads or construction zones to claim the maximum FTC entitlement
Ease of administration with either driver entered fuel on the Ehubo 2 or CSV upload

Fuel Tax Credit module reporting is available for both heavy and light vehicles, and for a limited time is free of charge for light vehicles *valid on any light vehicle (<4.5T) installed by 31st December.


“The most exciting outcome from using the EROAD Fuel Tax Credit solution, was the recovery of under claimed rebates, it was a great bonus to receive, $1300.00 AUD per truck in fuel tax credit rebates”

Zoe Moulton
Pingelly Transport


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