10 ways to help reduce fleet emissions that complement (or don’t require) investment in EVs
10 ways to help reduce fleet emissions that complement (or don’t require) investment in EVs

While there’s mounting pressure for businesses to increase their sustainability efforts – and some early wins to be made, a third of businesses with vehicles said that cost is preventing them from making progress on setting, measuring and achieving sustainability goals.
Of course, there are initiatives that require large scale investment like replacing ICE vehicles with EVs. However there’s more than one way to reduce emissions – and not all of them require big business prioritisation decisions.
There are plenty of low-cost wins to reduce emissions – and some could even save you money. For example adding recycling and composting bins to the office to reduce waste sent to landfill. Or encouraging sales reps to have more meetings over zoom to reduce overall kilometers driven. Tools like EROAD’s Leaderboard can also be used to encourage and reward more efficient driving behaviour by your team.
Here are 10 ways to help reduce fleet emissions that complement (or don’t require) investment in EVs:
- Track and measure trends in your fleet with GPS trackers/telematics
- Keep vehicles well maintained with regular servicing and checks
- Review routes and scheduling to optimise for efficiency
- Reduce unnecessary idle time
- Load optimisation to reduce empty loads and maximise productivity and efficiency
- Use fuel cards to track and manage spending on fuel
- Encourage or coach drivers on more efficient driving behaviour
- Look at shared vehicle/ride share options before deciding to add new vehicles
- Encourage team members to work-from-home a few days a week where practical
- Encourage drivers not to carry extra weight or heavy equipment on trips where it’s not needed
Download the 2022 Road to Sustainability Report for more insights.